Free download hilum of lung
Free download hilum of lung

free download hilum of lung

Lung cancer: Lung cancer is the most common cause of unequal hilar regions in adults, both due to the presence of a tumor and to the presence of involved lymph nodes.Increased pulmonary blood flow: Conditions such as cyanotic congenital heart disease (heart defects present at birth which cause a blue tinge to the skin due to a reduced oxygen content) can result in increased pulmonary blood flow.PAH may occur as a primary disease (not secondary to another problem) or as a secondary problem which in turn is caused most often by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH): This is an elevated pressure in the pulmonary arteries.Pulmonary venous hypertension (elevated pressure in the pulmonary veins): Pulmonary venous hypertension may occur due to medical conditions such as heart failure and heart valve problems such as mitral stenosis and mitral regurgitation.Possible causes of enlarged hilar lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) are discussed below. Tumors and lymphadenopathy: Cancers such as lung cancers and lymphomas, as well as cancer that has spread to this region from other parts of the body (metastatic cancer) can cause masses in this region.

Free download hilum of lung